2023世界客家博覽會・臺灣館・雲林縣 Exhibition
Client — 客家委員會
C. — 許哲瑜 & 郭中元
Curating. — 樸實創意 Design Execution. — 中間研究室
AD. — 郭中元 KV D. — 楊士慶
Zine D. — 陳瑛皞 D. — 黃煒仁 & 張立宣 & 林庭如 I. — y.y_illustraiton
PM. — 秦安慧 & 鍾靜宜 CW. — 林玲 & 彭雅君
P. — 黃覺深 & 林家緯 & 李宥融 & 李盈靜 V. — 黃覺深
SD. — 彼個所在 蔡承叡 S. — 樂誠創意
Food design. — 飲食作家 盧怡安 & 台豐高爾夫俱樂部 AGRI ⻄餐廳行政主廚 朱捷 & 飛雀餐桌行動 Future dining table 謝宜澂
Flower design. — 鄭立亭 & 簡吟真 & 楊羚鈺
Special thanks. — 國立雲林科技大學客家研究中心 黃衍明教授 & 客家委員會客語薪傳師 李彩豐
& 台豐高爾夫俱樂部 食閱餐廳主廚 許振翔 & 御鼎興柴燒黑豆醬油 第三代製醬人 謝宜澂、謝宜哲 & 三小市集 食育基地 李宜倩
& 詔安好伴屋、詔安書坊 廖婉婷、王信傑 & 蔚蔚の野菜室 林廖蔚 & 芳霖農場 李岱霖 & 隆興閣掌中劇團 廖昭堂
& 崙背鄉在地耆老 李應充、李應聯、李良雄、李日存
Year — 2023
覓覓詔安— 百年釀造的神秘詔安風味
The Mysterious Hakka—Flavors a Century in the Making
過家來視飯 Come Join Us For a Meal!
This exhibition starts with a Hakka restaurant concept—among which the region’s fresh ingredients and terroir, the wisdom and experience of farmers, and the skill and passion of chefs are the stars of the show. A Hakka feast is introduced to redefine contemporary flavors of Hakka cuisine. Through a video format, each step of the meal and the preparation or pickling of ingredients is given time and space to “ferment” in the public’s imagination, thereby allowing associated smells, tastes, and feelings to go above and beyond the visual medium and be experienced with all one’s senses.
This exhibition starts with a Hakka restaurant concept—among which the region’s fresh ingredients and terroir, the wisdom and experience of farmers, and the skill and passion of chefs are the stars of the show. A Hakka feast is introduced to redefine contemporary flavors of Hakka cuisine. Through a video format, each step of the meal and the preparation or pickling of ingredients is given time and space to “ferment” in the public’s imagination, thereby allowing associated smells, tastes, and feelings to go above and beyond the visual medium and be experienced with all one’s senses.
#中間研究室 #2023世界客家博覽會 #覓覓詔安